so i'm here a week, or 10 days or something

i've been in Gaza for a week now, well like 10 days. seems alot longer.
the idea of doing a chronological list of what i've done does not appeal 'cos it seems like so much has happened.
Settled into the apartment and all, the food here is great. no bowel problems of note yet mom. Finished up the exams for the streaming of my English classes so next week (monday) they will start divide into 2 levels.
My Ararbic is still really weak, gotta sort out a tutor. I can do taxi talk, as in I know my address, hello, goodbye, thank you etc.
I've met so many people here, struggling with all of the names, looking to join a football team. There are loads of oppertunities to help here which is cool. Visited a refugee camp just south of Gaza city, pretty extreme stuff. Conditions are so harsh, huge extended families crammed into tiny hut/houses, loads of them have huge holes for windows and it is so cold here at night.
Starting to get my head around the flags here, they really love their flags, the green of Hamas, the yellow of Fatah, and the black of Islamic Jihad. Every house has one.
Story of the week has to be my encounter with the Palestinian special forces. I guess this is not really a blog story but i leave you with this advice,
if you ever visit a politically volatile country and you happen to live in an apartment block overlooking the presidents house,
do not, i repeat DO NOT stand on your balcony and take pictures (at night with a flash) of the president and his 100 or so security personel arriving at his house.
They will get upset.
They suspect you of being a sniper.
They will be very nice and polite but insist you come with them to the top security central intelligence building some questions and coffee.
They will confiscate your camera and delete your photos.
I found out the next day that the laser from the auto-focus on my camera really upset them. They radioed for permission to shoot.
They didn't get it.
All's well that ends well I guess.
what happened to your promise to keep your head down and not attract attention to yourself?
wats up luke i liked your story i want 2 see ya on d news ill be proud of ya ,weston are doin all right with out ya they have a new deadly young striker and he got his name written in d irish times hes sixteen tommorrow nd hes never been drunk,i like that your trying 2 be a rebel nd not tryin 2 grow up
Everywhere you go, you will always get into trouble. Aran islands - case in point.
Hi Luke,
great to hear all your news. Careful with the camera.Best of luck with the english classes and also with learning to u soon. missing u
Hi Luke,
great to hear all your news. Careful with the camera.Best of luck with the english classes and also with learning to u soon. missing u
i just realised that darz is old enough to buy spoons in tesco tomorrow! what age do you have to be in gaza?
talkin bout AGP marks slaughter civic was found on finians green last week
You are nearly as bad as Andy Pring!
Oh dear, you weren't joking. I apologise for doubting you. I think you go on my prayer list...
Luke you really do inspire me...
great pics again luke
P.s see car under pic of sharon.. thats my mums car..seriously!
though it would be alot more dangerous if you were driving.
Peace Out
Luke you make me so proud. They're stories that'll impress the grandkids. Keep up the good work. ...oh and stay safe
A classic luke scenario... classic...
hey luke first time on your blog. hope u can continue to entertain me wit your stories,take it handy. (remember you are invincible!)
hi luke, glad you are having such a good time. Hope the cold isnt getting to you.Happy yu are finding the people so nice and helpful. Take care, love Gran
Hey there puke (never was good at pselling!) I'm really sorry I never got to see you before you left. You better either be getting proficient at using weapons or be getting really good at athletics. Good old fight or flight - nature in action. Seriously though, keep your head up and come back safe. I'm off for a year this evening so I'll be keeping in touch, once I get used to using these crazy computing machines! Peace out and much love,
Steve (Cummins, that is!)
bon voyage Stephen, enjoy Austrailia and keep in touch.
Luke, time to update the blog! how are the english classes going?
Sain said 'P.s see car under pic of sharon.. thats my mums car..seriously!'
Thats right Sian, Ariel Sharon was revered by the Palestinians and they'd never dream of putting up a poster of Yasser Arafat???
Ahhh dear, i know i shouldnt rub it in, but lets face it Sian, theres good reason in you only getting a 2.2. Maybe you should book an appointment to get your eyes tested yourself sian, you work in the right place!
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