Manic Monday

So dunno if most of you know this but there is a bit of a militia turf war going on in Gaza at the moment between the Fatah police force and the new Hamas security force. Well yesterday my Library building got caught in the crossfire.
The police station directly across from the library was shooting at a Hamas group 200 yards down the street, at a crossroads.
Only two of my students had arrived for the afternoon class when shooting started outside.
Me and the two guys went to my office (the room in the picture)to see what was happening, next thing shots were fired at our building. We all dropped to the floor instantly, a few seconds later a bullet came through the window about waist height just where I had been standing, I reckon it must have been a piece of glass that scratched my nose and not the bullet itself, but I guess I'll never know!
Me and the two guys ran to another room, before heading downstairs when there was a break in the shooting. There were about eight of us in the library bottom floor hiding behind bookshelves.
It turns out the Fatah police had used the empty floors above us as sniper positions and the Hamas guys were just shooting back at the building.
After about 15/20 mins more there was a break in the shooting and some of the guys started walking around, suddenly it started again the building was being hit,
suddenly there was some frenzied shouting. The caretaker Mohammad had been shot in the back.
I froze, lying on the ground, while the shooting continued to hit the building. When it stopped after a minute or so later I crawled across the floor to see what had happened.
Mohammad was lying on his stomach trying to make a phonecall, his back was drenched in blood and there were blood-marks showing how he had made his way, on the ground, to the phone.
He was trying to call an ambulance. I put my hand on his shoulder just to try to stop him from getting up, someone threw me a blanket but I didn't want to put pressure on his back in case his spine was damaged.
I just kept asking him to stay down. Others called the ambulance on their mobiles.
I spent the next ten minutes praying genuine prayers.
The Red Cresent guys, to their credit, were there in about ten minutes driving directly into the crossfire. They came in with a stretcher and asked me and another guy to carry him as they ran out of the building waving their hands in the air, trying to stop the shooting. We followed them out as quickly as humanly possible, but just as we got to the ambulance the shooting started right where we were. I nearly dropped the stretcher.
We crouched behind the ambulance, they pulled him in and I legged it back to the library.
All in all I reckon the shooting went on for around 70/80 minutes. I got home and tried to relax, stayed away from the windows for a while mind you!
The thing is I was just unlucky, wrong place at the wrong time. For most of Gaza it was a normal day. Went to visit Mohammad this morning, the bullet is still in his back, but it missed his spine and major organs. He lost a good bit of blood but is stable and relaxed. A Jordanian diplomatic worker however was killed in the crossfire by a stray bullet as he drove through the crossroads at the bottom of the road.
I visited the library today. It was open, the Palestinian people are ridiculously resilient. However the building was shot up pretty badly, maybe 10/12 broken windows.
My course was only meant to be a month long and it doesn't seem like it will be viable for me to finish it out. If I can't teach there isn't much I can do here, so I'm moving to Bethlehem in the next couple of days.
Said lots of goodbyes today, was pretty crap. I will visit this month.
The shootout was random, no real reason for it other than a natural result of the complicated, hazardous and crippling position Gaza has found itself in. I know families who lived like this for weeks during the intifada. I know children who are afraid of playing on the streets 5 years later. I had it for an hour and it scared the shit out of me.
So many of the "problems" in various regions of the world are man made. However here the solutions are easily available as well, the suffering in Gaza in recent times is not necessary. Gaza is not Africa. There is no famine or natural disaster, the people here are educated and industrious.
The crisis here persists because people choose to have it persist.
Hey mate I have been praying for you, stay safe... I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your next stop. God bless tim
Thinking of you mate. There's been stacks of us praying for you over here.
At least you can go around now showing people that "scar from when you got shot at"!
shit man. thats hardcore. stay safe. we're seeing andy tonight so we'll send some love back with him!
hey luke,
that was a little too close my friend, stay safe
Luke, Good to hear Mohammed will be okay. Glad you are going to Bethlehem and will be in a safer place. Nose looks impressive not so sure about the hairy chin!!
Take care.
Don't knock the hairy chin, he's been trying for ages...
Stay safe lucas, I'll be in touch when I get back from Vegas.
Wow, I read about the Jordanian diplomat in the news that day. You're amazing: I would've been on the first plane home! So glad you're safe and that Mohammed will be ok. Take care, and please try to remember that you promised you wouldn't get shot... Love you Jenny xx
ssiiiinnccee you went to Gaza and all your close shaves...ive become an old woman.
please keep to safe places or i will come to visit you!
apart from that - i am glad you are having a good time and doing a lot of good work.
love you
Man, thanks for writing that so well - it really helps us comprehend a bit more of what's happening to normal people like you and Mohammed.
Love you mate, glad you're safe ...
Hi Luke,
Just to let you know we are all concerned for your safety, but know that the Lord has you in His hands and will keep on protecting you. Us Dad's met for breakfast today and you were very much in our prayers.
Love Philip (Daphne, Adam, Victoria & EmmaRachel)
seen the bleedin scar on your nose, it was defo a bulla
Thats some crazy sh*t ur livin with there Luke, mental stuff. Hope you stay safe and keep well, and finally learn how to make yourself a cup of tea, its not much but its a start...
If only people would watch the video to 'Winds of Change', it would solve all the world's problems, u know it!!! Speak later.
brings it home... take care of yourself
Hey Luke, thanks so much for the blog. It's good to be able to read something from 'ground zero' you know. Hope and pray that you stay safe man. But keep being Jesus to those people out there too you know.
Just one thing though. What on earth made you think, when you can hear gunshots close by, "I know what I'll do, I'll stand by this window. I'm sure its much safer than lying on the floor or against a wall. And Anyway, I am certain that the gentlemen firing the automatic weapons are aware that I'm a friendly Irish chap, and not a sniper." Good one.
Hey Luke, thanks so much for the blog. It's good to be able to read something from 'ground zero' you know. Hope and pray that you stay safe man. But keep being Jesus to those people out there too.
Just one thing though. What on earth made you think, when you can hear gunshots close by, "I know what I'll do, I'll stand by this window. I'm sure its much safer than lying on the floor or against a wall. And Anyway, I am certain that the gentlemen firing the automatic weapons are aware that I'm a friendly Irish chap, and not a sniper." Good one.
Oh yeah, you also need to send me your address. You won the competition man!
hey luke its me rami.... hows it goin bro??? so i guess ur in london now... just wanted to c how u were doin... everythins good back here in bethlehem its still quiet these dayz.... well anywayz bro i gotta run.. email me let me know how ur doin...
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