house and home

Mohammed Abu Shmas is an accountant. This is odd because when I hear of people's houses being destroyed I always imagine they are really poor.
The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) has been firing 300 shells a day into Northern Gaza in response to the rocket attacks on Israel. Mohammed's house was not a target or anything, he just lived in the wrong place.
When I asked him if I could take a picture of him and his house, he agreed and took me by the hand as we walked over. He told me about his week. He hasn't slept in the three days since the shell hit his house. He looked and talked and held himself like a broken man. He asked if I knew what it was like to know that your brother is dying and not to be able to do anythng about it. I said I couldn't and to be honest I don't want to.
He was visiting the house to see if there was anything of value he could pull from the rubble.
He was too terrified to stay there any length of time, he has no home for his wife and 5 kids. The kids can't attend school.
He asks where I'm from, I say Ireland. "So", he says, "You must know what it is like to live like this". "No", I said, "I have no idea what it is like to live like this".
This whole town, Beit Lahya, is dotted with small crators from tank shells. Talib got hit by shrapnel from a tank shell.

One of the men who showed us his shrapnel-ridden house said that no journalists had come to report on the incidents. These people were raging with the desire to be heard.

In the car on the way home they said that somone had been injured in shelling in Beit Layha. There was a lady crying on the radio. I couldn't understand what she was saying.
I don't mean to say anyone is right or anyone else is wrong, I guess that as soon as you take sides you become part of the problem. But injustice is still injustice.
Mate - what you are doing is so valuable giving people a way to be heard but just being there and listening to them must help the healing process for them. I don't think I can imagine what it must be like for you....maybe a bit overwhelming???
Stay safe mate
By being in Gaza you are part of the showing the love of Jesus you are being a light in a dark place. Keep close to Him so that you do not become overwhelmed.
Why not send this to Trinity News and create awareness. You do not need to take sides just tell the story.
That poor bloke. Could you include the details of the charities you are meeting. There's nothing better than being able to donate funds to front line groups doing good work.
Stay safe Luke
PS Looks like the 2nds might get promoted
Proud of you bro and praying for that man and others like him x
feel kind of sick now. we've just had a lovely meal with my family. how easy it is to forget whats happening on the other side of the just seems so unfair.
its definately good for you to get the pictures and stories out there though. as horrible as the stories are we need to hear them, its just a shame that the media dont want to hear it.
That's heartbreaking man.
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