Just in time...

I went to Gaza for a few days last weekend,
it was really nice to catch up with people.
Met a bunch of neighbours and students and friends.
Everything was seriously mellow, there was no shooting or shelling at all I don't think.
Anyway I left on Saturday evening to return to Bethlehem.
A few hours later some militants from Gaza dug under the wall and attacked a military post. They blew up a tank and killed two soldiers and kidnapped another.
Since then the place has been a bit of a mess.
As would be expected, the Israelis responded in a pretty hardcore fashion.
The took out Gaza's only powerstaion, a bunch of bridges and civil infrastructure.
Then they went in with tanks and helicopters.
The next day some militants in the West Bank kidnapped a teenage settler, who was found dead this morning. In response the Israelis just arrested 87 Hamas MP's and Elected officials. Hamas said this was an act "open war".
Seems like things are not looking so good in the short term for Gaza.
Needless to say my mother is a big fan of me being in Bethlehem.
Still tea by the beach was nice.
dddeearlluke iiim s o relieved you aare in bethlleham
now i cansleep aat night youu must have been delighted to see justyn i bet yyou had a great time togetheer.
so happy you have aninteresting job
love you
Hey love, just watchin bits about Gaza on d news. situations not great out there. even though ur not in Gaza at the mo i know that's where ur heart is n i know that ur prayers for Gaza and its people r really important at this time. hopefully there will be an end to the fighting (in the short term at least) love you loads, keep safe Ulla xxx
really glad you are not in Gaza now. Hope all is well in Bethlehem.
Love, Maria
Hey Dude, it's Steve C. here. I think you should keep those posts of yours coming a little more regularly , if you can, cos you've got me really worried about you at times. Great to hear you're okay and I know I'll never fully understand how you're feeling about all that's going on, but I do know a greatly subdued tone when I read it. I've been keeping abreast of a lot of the goings on over there and I can only say I'm thinking about you mate. Stay strong, man, and I'll talk to you soon.
I was just wondering if you'd seen any shepherds watching their flocks by night yet?
Hey Lukey! You'll be home soon! You must have mixed emotions about it...I know I do - I really can't wait to see you again and for you to be home, but I think what you're doing is so great and worthwhile I kinda want you to stay! As your gran said I'm happy you having an interesting job! Anyway, will you be home for your birthday?
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